
Showing posts from March, 2020

All About EMI Filters

What is EMI? EMI stands for Electromagnetic interference (EMI) and the main types of EMI are conducted EMI and radiated EMI. Conducted EMI goes through conductors, for example, wires or electrical cables, whereas radiated EMI goes through the air and doesn't require a transmitter. Both EMIs can affect the presentation of electronic gadgets through hindrance, debasement, breaking down or framework disappointment. What is difference between EMI and RFI? • RFI is stands for radio frequency interference, refers to noise that falls on the radio frequency spectrum whereas, EMI is stand for electromagnetic interference, refers to any frequency of electromagnetic noise. • RFI is a subset of EMI and consist electromagnetic currents with a frequency between 3 kilohertz & 300 gigahertz. What is EMC? EMC is stands for Electromagnetic Compatibility. It describes how a device functions or performs in an environment of electromagnetic noise. EMC includes two factors that is TO...