Power Line Filters
EMI filters are used in power grids to suppress the noise is known as EMI power line filters. Currently, electronic devices or equipment mostly use SMPS (Switching Mode Power Supply) and fast digital circuits. When these devices or equipment operate in normal conditions, they generate high-frequency voltage and current. It is nearly impossible to meet the requirements of the EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) standards without using the power line filter. Power line filters mainly perform two primary functions. Firstly, it prevents the high-frequency signals (that get generated within the device) from reaching the input power line. And secondly, it prevents the high-frequency signals (produced on the AC power distribution system) from entering into the device or equipment. The efficiency of a power line filter does not only depend on the electrical design of the filter but it equally depends on where the filter is mounted, how it is mounted, and how leads are connected to the f...