What are the Main Causes of Electromagnetic Noise
Electromagnetic Interference (popularly known as EMI ) is an electromagnetic/electrical disturbance that causes the malfunctioning or degradation of electrical equipment. It can not only lead to the loss of transmitted data, but it can also damage the equipment completely. Despite all the disruptions caused due to EMI, it is common in the modern environment. EMI occurs due to natural causes as well as human-made electrical devices. Human-made EMI results due to electrical/electronics circuits, switching systems, or changes in large amounts of current. Human-made EMI occurs in both the residential and industrial sectors. Let’s understand the causes of electromagnetic noise in detail. Natural Causes A variety of sources that lead to natural causes of EMI are the sun, dust storms, lightning strikes, snowstorms, solar flares, static electricity, solar magnetic storms, cosmic noise, and atmospheric electrical storms. The sudden occurrence of natural EMI creates a severe impact on...